
Iberdrola Spain Foundation collaborates with ASIDO and Cáritas Cartagena

During a meeting held at the Museum of the Roman Theater of Cartagena, the director of the Fundación Iberdrola Spain, Ramón Castresana, the institutional delegate of the company in the Region of Murcia, Patricio Valverde, the president of ASIDO, Juan Pedro Sánchez, and the director of Caritas Diocese of [...]

Iberdrola Spain Foundation collaborates with ASIDO and Cáritas Cartagena2019-06-19T13:18:46+02:00

Fundación Iberdrola’s social aid benefits about a thousand people in Castilla – La Mancha

The Save the Children organisations located in Illescas, and Solidaridad de Henares Proyecto Hombre in Guadalajara, have renewed their partnership with Fundación Iberdrola which will collaborate in their social initiatives. Every year Iberdrola, through its Spanish foundation, supports around thirty social projects in Spain. The director of [...]

Fundación Iberdrola’s social aid benefits about a thousand people in Castilla – La Mancha2019-06-19T13:17:26+02:00

Visit the Convent of San Benito de Alcántara

Crossing the Roman Bridge next to the confluence of the Tajo and Alagón rivers, you reach the Extremaduran city of Alcántara. This population shows the visitor its treasures of several centuries of history. Romans, Arabs, knights, religious and military of the Modern Age, have given us a unique legacy, [...]

Visit the Convent of San Benito de Alcántara2019-06-19T13:15:09+02:00

Conservation and Restoration Programme Presentation

The Bilbao Fine Arts Museum presents the works restored during 2017, thanks to the Iberdrola-Museum Programme. This is a long standing and close collaboration between the Museum and Iberdrola through its Foundation in Spain. The programme has funded work on a total of 37 pieces from the museum's [...]

Conservation and Restoration Programme Presentation2019-06-19T11:04:17+02:00

HRM King Felipe gave audience to Iberdrola’s scholarship recipients

HRM King Felipe received some of the students and young researchers who received one of Iberdrola's almost 150 scholarships for the year 2017-20178 at Zarzuela Palace. This edition of the International Research Grant and Scholarship Programme has been specially designed for Spanish, British, North American, Mexican and Brazilian [...]

HRM King Felipe gave audience to Iberdrola’s scholarship recipients2019-06-19T11:52:26+02:00

Jornadas ODS

Iberdrola has incorporated the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into its business and sustainability strategy in order to tackle the main environmental, social and economic challenges threatening the future of the planet. The Iberdrola Foundation in Spain has incorporated the SDG approach into its programmes, defining specific goals it [...]

Jornadas ODS2022-12-01T14:26:11+01:00

We visited the social project of Save the Children in Illescas

To see first hand the social project to combat child poverty carried out by Save the Children with our collaboration, we visited its facilities in the Toledo town of Illescas. This project aims to prevent, reduce and eliminate risk situations. The director of the Iberdrola Spain Foundation, [...]

We visited the social project of Save the Children in Illescas2019-06-19T12:07:32+02:00

The Migra programme reveals the migratory routes and wintering areas of the booted eagle

Today was the presentation of migration and spatial ecology of the spanish population of booted eagles, the second monograph by the migra programme, produced by seo/birdlife with the cooperation of Fundación Iberdrola España. The birds spend approximately two months a year migrating (14% of the annual cycle), five [...]

The Migra programme reveals the migratory routes and wintering areas of the booted eagle2019-06-19T12:10:25+02:00

Manuel Marín, president of the Fundación Iberdrola España, invested honorary doctor by the University of Salamanca

The University of Salamanca (USAL) has invested as honorary doctorates the former European Commissioner for Social Affairs, Education and Culture, and president of the Fundación Iberdrola España, Manuel Marín and the current president of the European Commission, the Luxembourgish Jean Claude Juncker. The former European Commissioner for Social [...]

Manuel Marín, president of the Fundación Iberdrola España, invested honorary doctor by the University of Salamanca2019-06-19T12:12:00+02:00

Fundación Iberdrola España, one of the most transparent

The report Building Trust 2016, a report on transparency and good governance published on the Spanish foundations’ web site by the Fundación Compromiso y Transparencia (Commitment and Transparency Foundation) recognizes the Fundacion Iberdrola España and Fundación Atresmedia as the most transparent corporate foundations. These two tie for top place [...]

Fundación Iberdrola España, one of the most transparent2019-06-19T11:28:17+02:00