The Save the Children organisations located in Illescas, and Solidaridad de Henares Proyecto Hombre in Guadalajara, have renewed their partnership with Fundación Iberdrola which will collaborate in their social initiatives.

Every year Iberdrola, through its Spanish foundation, supports around thirty social projects in Spain.
The director of Fundación Iberdrola Spain, Ramón Castresana, and Iberdrola’s delegate in Castilla – La Mancha, Venancio Rubio, have met with Save the Children’s project coordinator in Illescas, Ismael El Mimeh, and with the director of Solidaridad de Henares Proyecto Hombre, Modesto Salgado, at a meeting in the company’s offices in Toledo
Fundación Iberdrola has collaborated, through its Social Programme, with Save the Children, which has a centre in Illescas, and Solidaridad de Henares Proyecto Hombre in Guadalajara, since 2015 and 2012 respectively. Since then, it is estimated that close to a thousand people have directly benefited from these projects, which are supported by the company.
During a meeting held at Iberdrola’s offices in Toledo, the director of Fundación Iberdrola Spain, Ramón Castresana; Iberdrola’s delegate in Castilla – La Mancha, Venancio Rubio; the coordinator of Save the Children’s Illescas project, Ismael El Mimeh, and the director of Solidaridad de Henares Proyecto Hombre, Modesto Salgado, welcomed the collaboration undertaken in recent years and detailed the initiatives that both entities will be undertaking during 2018.
In the case of Save the Children, the project that Iberdrola will be supporting for the third consecutive year, it aims to help overcome child poverty and educate and train young people as a tool to overcoming situations that lead to social exclusion.
This is achieved through the work of the Illescas Family and Adolescents Attention Centre, managed by the charity since its creation in 2006. The main intervention tools utilised are providing education, leisure and psychosocial support to children, adolescents and their families and the improvement of marketable skills in young people. It is estimated that this programme has directly benefited 540 children, young people and their families.
For its part, Solidaridad del Henares Proyecto Hombre runs a treatment and reintegration programme aimed at people with problems arising from alcohol addiction. The programme’s aim is to aid the social inclusion of this socially vulnerable group.
Its centre in Guadalajara, which is attended by young people from Castilla – La Mancha and the Henares Corridor, offers comprehensive care (covering accommodation and meals) and therapeutic, medical-health, educational and counselling activities and job placements. A total of 420 people have benefited from this project, which Iberdrola has supported since 2012.
Every year Iberdrola, through its Spanish foundation, supports around thirty social projects in Spain. Thanks to this Social Grants programme, since 2010 over 300 projects have been promoted, with an annual average impact of 12,000 direct beneficiaries and 32,000 indirect beneficiaries. Besides, these projects also promote voluntary participation and foster direct job creation.
This initiative helps Fundación Iberdrola to achieve the sustainable development goals (SDG) defined by the United Nations Agenda 2030, which it has integrated into its business strategy. This aid helps the company to focus its efforts on meeting goals 1 (no poverty), 3 (good health and well-being), 4 (quality education), 5 (gender equality) and 10 (reduced inequalities).