The Compliance Division is an independent internal area linked to the Board and is responsible for proactive regulatory compliance. It is configured in accordance with the Governance System and is granted broad powers and independence to act.
During a meeting on 16 June 2022, Fundación Iberdrola España’s Board passed these Compliance Division Regulations [PDF] to lay down its core functions:

One of the functions of the Compliance Division Regulations is promoting the dissemination of and compliance with our Code of Ethics.
- Supporting our Code of Ethics through dissemination, awareness and compliance.
- Supervising the good running, efficacy of and compliance with the Crime Prevention and Anti-fraud Policy.
- Fostering a preventive culture based on the principle of “zero tolerance” of unlawful acts and fraudulent situations.
- Checking our internal procedures and ensuring they are effective in preventing wrongful behaviour.
- Managing our Ethics Mailbox.
- Preparing and implementing suitable training programmes.
- Establishing the tools needed to ensure documentary proof and record-keeping of the actions set out in our compliance system.