During a meeting held at the Museum of the Roman Theater of Cartagena, the director of the Fundación Iberdrola Spain, Ramón Castresana, the institutional delegate of the company in the Region of Murcia, Patricio Valverde, the president of ASIDO, Juan Pedro Sánchez, and the director of Caritas Diocese of Cartagena, José Antonio Planes, have positively evaluated the collaboration carried out in recent years and have detailed the initiatives to be developed by both entities during 2018.

Since then, the company has supported the Independent Living Learning Program, aimed at adults with Down Syndrome or diagnosed with any other disorder that involves intellectual disability.
In this sense, Fundation collaborates with ASIDO Cartagena since 2014, with a total investment of 120,000 euros and a direct impact on the therapeutic process of more than 150 people.
Since then, the company has supported the Independent Living Learning Program, aimed at adults with Down Syndrome or diagnosed with any other disorder that involves intellectual disability. It is expected to serve 30 people with Intellectual Disability and Down syndrome over 18 years of age who are currently in the Occupational Center / Day Center of the entity.
It is a continuity program -provided with 40,000 euros per year- that allows beneficiaries to experience, in a progressive manner and in short periods of time, the experience of living in a shared house, while acquiring the necessary skills to access to an adult life with more independence and as normalized as possible, favoring social inclusion, creating a network of social relationships and promoting personal autonomy.
The objective is to promote social inclusion by acquiring the necessary skills to access an independent and normalized life, strengthening decision-making and control over their own lives, giving continuity to the edition.
In this way, the skills of daily life -autonomy, cooking, cleaning, shopping- are developed on the floor, eliminating gender differences by influencing equal treatment with the participants -13 men and 17 women-. It includes tasks in the environment -exit to purchases, knowledge of services and resources of the environment- and facilitates the learning of skills for the displacement from the home to the work places or the day center.
For its part, the project of Caritas Diocese of Cartagena aims to promote the socio-employment insertion of young people from highly excluded contexts of different municipalities in the Region of Murcia, as well as long-term unemployed, through the creation of the diocesan network for employment , integrated by mixed teams -technicians and volunteers- that develop accompaniment processes for social and labor inclusion.
The project is aimed at 180 young people at risk or in situations of social exclusion, with significant barriers to access and maintenance in the field of training and employment.
Iberdrola already collaborated on another project in 2015 with Cáritas Diocese of Cartagena, thus, the total investment allocated amounts to 80,000 euros – at a rate of 40,000 euros per project – and with a direct impact on the training and support of more than 300 young people region of.