
    Fundación Iberdrola España welcomes two new members to its team

    On 23 April 2019, we signed an agreement with the Down Syndrome Foundation to incorporate two new trainees into the team. Our trainees are part of the Universidad Pontifica Comillas DEMOS Project, a training project for employment and university inclusion for young people with intellectual disabilities. Within this project [...]

    Fundación Iberdrola España welcomes two new members to its team2019-07-02T11:09:14+02:00

      Fundación Iberdrola España will illuminate the outer wall of the Royal Monastery of Santa María de Guadalupe

      This initiative, which forms part of the Fundación Iberdrola España's Illumination Programme, will bring the sanctuary to life at night and it marks the 25th anniversary of its designation as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Cáceres. The Fundación Iberdrola España, the Royal Monastery of Santa María de Guadalupe and [...]

      Fundación Iberdrola España will illuminate the outer wall of the Royal Monastery of Santa María de Guadalupe2019-07-02T11:37:19+02:00

        Montagu’s harrier stars on world migratory bird day

        SEO/BirdLife and Fundación Iberdrola España joined the celebrations held as part of World Migratory Bird Day on 11 May. This spring, 13 Montagu's harriers were tagged with GPS. It is one of the many species whose numbers are declining, in this instance by 30% over the last decade. According [...]

        Montagu’s harrier stars on world migratory bird day2019-07-02T11:38:56+02:00

          Fundación Iberdrola España inaugurates the interior decorative lighting for the chapel in the Colegio Mayor del Arzobispo Fonseca in Salamanca

          The rector of the University of Salamanca, Ricardo Rivero; the chairman of Iberdrola, Ignacio Galán; the mayor of Salamanca, Carlos García Carbayo, and the president of Fundación Iberdrola España, Fernando García, all attended the switching on of the lights. The most advanced LED technology has been utilised to give [...]

          Fundación Iberdrola España inaugurates the interior decorative lighting for the chapel in the Colegio Mayor del Arzobispo Fonseca in Salamanca2019-07-02T11:47:56+02:00

            Fundación Iberdrola España inaugurates the interior decorative lighting of Salamanca’s New Cathedral

            The switch-on ceremony was attended by the Bishop of Salamanca, Carlos López; the chairman of Iberdrola, Ignacio Galán; the mayor of Salamanca, Carlos García Carbayo; the dean-president of the Cathedral Chapter, Florentino Gutiérrez, and the president of Fundación Iberdrola España, Fernando García. The most highly-advanced LED technology was used [...]

            Fundación Iberdrola España inaugurates the interior decorative lighting of Salamanca’s New Cathedral2019-07-02T11:28:04+02:00

              New lighting for the Cathedral of Avila

              Ignacio Galán has presided over the act of switching on the new lighting of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior of Ávila, after having carried out a thorough renovation project in line with the needs and relevance of this temple declared an Asset of Cultural Interest. The renovation project [...]

              New lighting for the Cathedral of Avila2022-03-10T15:42:45+01:00

                Presentation of the restoration works to the cloister and the new visitors access of Ciudad Rodrigo Cathedral as part of the Atlantic Romanesque project

                This work entailed forming aeration and drainage chambers to ensure any water was removed from the building. Ciudad Rodrigo Cathedral was the backdrop for the presentation of the cloister restoration works undertaken by the Castilla y León Regional Government's Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the official [...]

                Presentation of the restoration works to the cloister and the new visitors access of Ciudad Rodrigo Cathedral as part of the Atlantic Romanesque project2019-07-02T10:51:58+02:00

                  Atlantic Romanesque Plan in Zamora: the restoration of the paintings in the church of Muga de Alba has been completed

                  In the renovation project, 74,000 euros have been invested in the restoration of the mural paintings located in the Presbytery and the installation of new efficient lighting in the church. The church in the town of Muga de Alba, Zamora, is showing its restored mural paintings and [...]

                  Atlantic Romanesque Plan in Zamora: the restoration of the paintings in the church of Muga de Alba has been completed2022-03-17T14:39:57+01:00