• The rector of the University of Salamanca, Ricardo Rivero; the chairman of Iberdrola, Ignacio Galán; the mayor of Salamanca, Carlos García Carbayo, and the president of Fundación Iberdrola España, Fernando García, all attended the switching on of the lights.
  • The most advanced LED technology has been utilised to give lighting that highlights the altarpiece, the cupola of the dome, the vault and the side aisles and to emphasise the transept and achieve a uniform illumination that limits light pollution.
  • The renovation project has improved energy efficiency by 65%.

The interior decorative lighting in the chapel of the Colegio Mayor de Arzobispo Fonseca in Salamanca is another example of Iberdrola’s commitment to Castilla y León and its enduring mission to promote the social value of the region’s culture and protect and conserve its historical-artistic heritage.

The most advanced LED technology has been utilised to give lighting that highlights the altarpiece, the cupola of the dome, the vault and the side aisles.

The company has close historical links with this region, in which it serves more than one and a half million customers. It has a generating capacity of over 5,700 megawatts (MW), almost all of which is from renewables, from wind farms such as Sierra de Dueña or large complexes such as the Aldeadávila hydroelectric plant, both of which are located in Salamanca province.

Through its activities, Iberdrola provides a powerful stimulus to the regional economy, where it employs almost 1,000 professionals -more than 200 of these in the province of Salamanca. A boost that is also reflected in the nearly 100 million euros invested in this community last year, purchases from almost 800 local suppliers worth 165 million euros and a tax contribution of over 230 million euros.

The Colegio Mayor de Arzobispo Fonseca, which belongs to the University of Salamanca, was founded in 1519 by Alonso de Fonseca, archbishop of Santiago de Compostela, so that Galician students had a College to study in at the University, and it was declared an Asset of Cultural Interest in 1931. It is a Plateresque style monastic building, built around a cloister and its chapel contains an exceptional altarpiece by Alonso de Berruguete. The architects Diego de Siloé, Gil de Hontañón and Juan de Álava participated in the construction work.

El Colegio Mayor del Arzobispo Fonseca, que pertenece a la Universidad de Salamanca, fue fundado en 1519 por Alonso de Fonseca, arzobispo de Santiago de Compostela, para que los estudiantes gallegos tuvieran un Colegio para estudiar en la Universidad, y declarado Bien de Interés Cultural en 1931. Es un edificio de estilo plateresco, de tipo conventual constituido alrededor de un claustro y en el que destaca la capilla con un excepcional retablo de Alonso de Berruguete. En los trabajos de construcción participaron los arquitectos Diego de Siloé, Gil de Hontañón y Juan de Álava.