On 23 April 2019, we signed an agreement with the Down Syndrome Foundation to incorporate two new trainees into the team. Our trainees are part of the Universidad Pontifica Comillas DEMOS Project, a training project for employment and university inclusion for young people with intellectual disabilities. Within this project they have specialised in TecnoDEMOS, where they will acquire skills that will allow them to perform various auxiliary tasks in technological environments with varying degrees of complexity.

Fundación Iberdrola España is committed to social integrity and we support training and education for people with intellectual disabilities.

Josete and Cris started their work experience training with us on 29 April 2019 and will stay until 14 June, in order to complete their training and help promote their social integration. They are closely integrated into the team together with Tania Urbanos, their work coach, who will evaluate the activities they undertake to ensure they are included in the work environment, taking into account their personal and social characteristics.

Everyone at the Fundación Iberdrola España is committed to social integrity and we support training and education for people with intellectual disabilities, with the aim of contributing to improving the quality of life of the most vulnerable people and creating social value.