
    The new ornamental lighting of the Royal Pantheon of the Collegiate Church of San Isidoro de León was inaugurated

    The new ornamental lighting of the Royal Pantheon of the Collegiate Church of San Isidoro de León, is a reality thanks to an extensive renovation process according to the needs and relevance of this chapel built in the eleventh century, carried out by the Iberdrola Foundation. The aim [...]

    The new ornamental lighting of the Royal Pantheon of the Collegiate Church of San Isidoro de León was inaugurated2019-06-19T14:17:43+02:00

      2,200 young people in the province of Cádiz benefited from a project to prevent addictions to ICT

      Iberdrola is working with Proyecto Hombre in the province of Cádiz in a programme for adolescents and families in Cádiz aimed at increasing their knowledge of the benefits and risks that the use of technologies entails. It is also designed to enhance the protection factors for individuals and family [...]

      2,200 young people in the province of Cádiz benefited from a project to prevent addictions to ICT2019-06-19T14:03:28+02:00

        Iberdrola Foundation will light the outer walls of the Cathedral of Ávila

        Ávila City Council and Fundación Iberdrola, today signed an agreement to make the lighting of the Cathedral of Ávila a reality. The aim is to improve the night-time appearance of the temple. This morning in the town hall, the mayor of the capital of Ávila, José Luis [...]

        Iberdrola Foundation will light the outer walls of the Cathedral of Ávila2019-06-19T14:05:33+02:00

          Fundación Iberdrola España is collaborating with the Foundation for the Conservation of the Bearded Vulture in a study into the effects climate change is having on these large mountain dwelling birds

          Fundación Iberdrola España and the Foundation for the Conservation of the Bearded Vulture (the Spanish abbreviation of which is FCQ) have signed a collaboration agreement to develop and implement a conservation project whose main objective is to assess and understand the relationship between climate change and several, as yet [...]

          Fundación Iberdrola España is collaborating with the Foundation for the Conservation of the Bearded Vulture in a study into the effects climate change is having on these large mountain dwelling birds2019-06-19T13:58:52+02:00

            The future of the environment depends on a sustainable economic model

            The title of the Sustainability Forum organised by the Fundación Alternativas, and supported by the Fundación Iberdrola, was, in this 2018 edition: ‘Sustainable investments: Can money become a driver for sustainability?'. One of the most important things for improving sustainability levels is for investment, both public and private, [...]

            The future of the environment depends on a sustainable economic model2019-06-19T13:57:41+02:00

              Iberdrola Social Programme helps over five hundred people in Asturias

              Fundación Iberdrola España is collaborating with the Asturias Down Syndrome Association on a programme to promote the inclusion of people with Down Syndrome and intellectual disabilities in the ordinary job market through work experience and supported employment. The collaboration project with Down Asturias proposes a work integration programme [...]

              Iberdrola Social Programme helps over five hundred people in Asturias2019-06-19T13:47:31+02:00

                Iberdrola Social Programme helps over five hundred people in Galicia

                Iberdrola collaborates through its Foundation with the AMICOS Association, a non-profit organisation whose mission is to provide services and support to help people with intellectual disabilities, autism, paralysis, brain injury and their families to fulfil their life goals and achieve inclusion as citizens with full rights in a fair [...]

                Iberdrola Social Programme helps over five hundred people in Galicia2019-06-19T13:49:37+02:00

                  Fundación Iberdrola collaborates with Cáritas Diocesana de Plasencia

                  Iberdrola is collaborating through its Foundation with the charity Cáritas Diocesana de Plasencia in a project that forms part of Iberdrola's Social Programme, promoting initiatives to overcome poverty and social exclusion and improve the quality of life of the most vulnerable. It is estimated that the company's collaboration [...]

                  Fundación Iberdrola collaborates with Cáritas Diocesana de Plasencia2019-06-19T13:51:04+02:00

                    Fundación Iberdrola España will be lighting up the restoration work on the Royal Tapestry Factory using the most advanced LED technology

                    Fundación Iberdrola España and the Royal Tapestry Factory have completed work on the lighting system in the restoration workshop of this institution, which was founded at the beginning of the 18th century by King Philip V, concluding a comprehensive transformation process using the most advanced LED technology in line [...]

                    Fundación Iberdrola España will be lighting up the restoration work on the Royal Tapestry Factory using the most advanced LED technology2019-06-19T13:30:50+02:00

                      Fundación Iberdrola’s social aid benefits more than 500 people in La Rioja

                      Through its Social Aid Programme, Fundación Iberdrola collaborates with ASPRODEMA, a La Rioja-based organisation which has been promoting and supporting people with intellectual disabilities and their families since 2015. Since then, it is estimated that more than five hundred people have directly benefited from these projects, which are supported [...]

                      Fundación Iberdrola’s social aid benefits more than 500 people in La Rioja2019-06-19T13:36:56+02:00