• Fundación Iberdrola España and Cáritas Diocesana Salamanca collaborate in the ICARO project in 2023
  • 30,000€ in funding from Fundación Iberdrola España will help 105 young people in Salamanca obtain basic qualifications

Visit to the San José Social Community Center managed by Cáritas in Salamanca

The main objective of the project is to favor the educational promotion of children, adolescents, and young people from the San José and La Inmaculada socio-community centers, together with the Encinar and San Isidro parish centers in Salamanca. At the time of the visit, 153 people had benefited from the various activities of the Icarus Project, including 88 children, 52 adolescents, and 13 young people.

The ICARO project of Cáritas diocesana de Salamanca favors a good integration in the formative cycle to prevent school failure and supports the achievement of the basic qualification, using:

  • Four educational support areas: for schoolwork and homework, and two computer rooms.
  • A classroom for the preparation for the secondary education exams for people over 18 years old. The young people are accompanied in the application and presentation procedures for the tests. In addition, young people are guided and motivated to continue their professional training.
  • Referral of young people to Caritas employment information offices and pre-workshops where they will be introduced to the development of employability skill