The Down’s Syndrome Foundation of Madrid (Down Madrid) has held the award ceremony for its STELA 2017 Awards. These awards recognised the work of some thirty companies that have shown a commitment over the last year to the social and occupational inclusion of people with disabilities, and Iberdrola was one of these companies.
The company, through the Fundación Iberdrola España, has received an award for its strategic alliance with Down Madrid in support of the Tres Olivos Occupational Centre (Madrid). The centre’s courses, involving a hundred workers with Down’s syndrome or other intellectual disabilities, provide a systematic training process that aims to allow them to optimise their skills for employment purposes in order to facilitate and promote their inclusion in ordinary social and working environments. At present, these courses have five areas of specialisation: document management, handicrafts, gardening and environment, catering and screen printing.
The event was chaired by the Community of Madrid’s Deputy Minister for Social and Family Policies, Belén Prado Sanjurjo, and was attended by, among others, the president of the board of Down Madrid, Inés Álvarez Arancedo, and the director of Fundación Iberdrola España, Ramón Castresana, who received this award on behalf of the company.