The 2022-2025 Master Plan [PDF] is a global action guide for all of the Iberdrola Foundations which intends to prioritise and align actions of common interest taking into account each country’s context, regulations and challenges.

Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a call for global action to tackle the major environmental, social and economic challenges threatening the future of the planet. The 2030 Agenda, promoted by the United Nations General Assembly, constitutes a unique opportunity for a global transformation leading to more inclusive and sustainable development models.


At Fundación Iberdrola España we want to fulfill the objectives of the 2030 Agenda and, for this, in our Master Plan we have defined priorities and concrete goals to achieve them.

Iberdrola has incorporated SDGs into its business strategy and its sustainability policy. At Fundación Iberdrola España, we believe in a focus on human development. That is why we are endorsing the 2030 Agenda through our Master Plan, which lays down the specific priorities and challenges that need to be addressed in order to reach our sustainable human development goals.

  • To support training and research in general, prioritising innovation in order to contribute to energy sustainability
Training & Research 4-sdg-quality-education-fundacion-iberdrola-espana
  • To help protect the environment and increase biodiversity so as to actively contribute in the fight against climate change
Biodiversity & Climate Change 15-sdg-life-on-land-fundacion-iberdrola-espana
  • To protect and safeguard artistic and cultural heritage by promoting conservation and restoration and supporting local development
Art & Culture 11-sdg-sustainable-cities-communities-fundacion-iberdrola-espana
  • To contribute to sustainable human development by supporting the most vulnerable people and groups
Social Initiatives 1-sdg-no-poverty-fundacion-iberdrola-espana
  • To foster alliances that allow actions to be taken to achieve the SDGs in line with the Foundations’ own activities in the local context
Partnerships for the SDGs 17-sdg-partnerships-goals-fundacion-iberdrola-espana