• Fundación Iberdrola España and NORAY Proyecto Hombre Alicante Foundation collaborate in 2023 on a project for the prevention and treatment of addictions in children and young people in Alicante
  • On this occasion, Fundación Iberdrola España visited the facilities of the Noray PH Foundation’s day center in Elche

The Noray- PH Foundation and Fundación Iberdrola España have been collaborating since 2016, and this year the €40,000 provided by Fundación Iberdrola España is aimed at children, adolescents, and young people.

The project responds to the current need to address addictive, disruptive, and maladaptive behaviors, generated by the abuse of gambling and new technologies, among others, especially in the adolescent population and aggravated in many cases by the recent pandemic.

The Proyecto Hombre Foundation has developed 3 lines of work with didactic support material and its methodology: either with preventive purposes in compulsory secondary education centers, with a universal character, in centers with greater vulnerability with a more selective approach, or dedicated to the family and with individualized intervention:

  • “JUEGO DE LLAVES”. Community prevention, with students (from 12 to 16 years of age) to avoid or, at least, delay the use of drugs and other addictive behaviors, reinforce alternative attitudes, with active participation as preventive agents to empower people through emotional management, cognitive strategies, social interaction, improvement of leisure and free time, useful information and reinforcement of values. It is carried out in ESO centers during school hours with teachers and also with families.

  • “ROMPECABEZAS”. Selective community prevention, from 14 to 21 years of age, to prevent or at least reduce problematic substance use and other addictive behaviors through individualized intervention in the most vulnerable groups. These objectives respond to a current emerging need in the face of addictive, disruptive, maladaptive behaviors, which are very common in the adolescent stage and may be aggravated by the recent pandemic, the vulnerable social situation, and the economic crisis.
  • “FARO”. Prevention is indicated for adolescents (12-25 years old) and families, to prevent drug use or other addictive disorders, minimizing risk factors and favoring protection, and with intervention on disruptive behaviors, both individually and with the family.