Press room
2020 News
Fundación Iberdrola España moves to Tomelloso (Ciudad Real) its exhibition ‘El Museo del Prado en las Calles’, with reproductions of its most emblematic works Gallery
Fundación Iberdrola España moves to Tomelloso (Ciudad Real) its exhibition ‘El Museo del Prado en las Calles’, with reproductions of its most emblematic works
Valdepeñas Town Council, the Ministry of Public Works and Fundación Iberdrola España celebrate the opening of the Santo Cristo de la Misericordia Church in Valdepeñas after 35 years of closure Gallery
Valdepeñas Town Council, the Ministry of Public Works and Fundación Iberdrola España celebrate the opening of the Santo Cristo de la Misericordia Church in Valdepeñas after 35 years of closure