Today, Fundación Iberdrola España celebrates World Down Syndrome Day. The foundation has invested, within its social action area, more than €270,000 in this group, benefiting more than 2,000 people.
We collaborate with organizations that help people with Down Syndrome, with the aim of raising awareness within society and the value of these people, as well as achieving a positive change in their lives. That is why today, we want to make special mention to these entities and to spread the great work behind all of them:
Down Syndrome Association of Asturias:
“Training and labor integration project”. Labor inclusion of people with Down Syndrome and intellectual disabilities in the ordinary labor market, providing support inside and outside this area, monitoring and training these people. Collaboration for five years with Fundación Iberdrola España through the Social Program Call.
Sports Federation for People with Intellectual Disabilities of Castilla-La Mancha (FECAM):
The program of Schools for a social normalization through sports, aimed at people with intellectual disabilities. The Federation has more than 500 athletes and nearly 200 technicians and they are developed in community sports facilities, thus promoting normalization in society. Second year of collaboration through the Social Program Call for Proposals.
Down Syndrome Foundation of Madrid.
“Social and labor inclusion through social and environmental entrepreneurship, training for employment and the provision of professional services”.
60 young people are trained in a social entrepreneurship methodology to promote personal development and generate opportunities for social and labor inclusion and employment. In addition to collaborating with an agreement for internships with support in our Foundation to broaden their experience and facilitate their inclusion in the labor market.
Cacereña Association of Fathers, Mothers, Guardians and Protectors. ASPACE CÁCERES.
They work to synchronize their social and labor training and the motivation of their users to break down barriers by conducting occupational and pre-employment workshops to promote teamwork, creativity, leadership and self-knowledge. First year of collaboration through our annual Call for Proposals.
Association for the Promotion of People with Intellectual Disabilities and Adult Development (ASPRODEMA)
Support Resource Center for the promotion of the autonomy of people with intellectual or developmental disabilities”. P. Impulso joven” and support for their families.
In their project they work to arrange, coordinate and organize resources, support services and assistance of all kinds to offer each person who enters the center, in collaboration with their families and friends, the opportunity to make a personal planning, oriented from their needs, interests, desires and expectations, which contribute effectively to increase to the maximum extent possible their autonomy and independent living. Fourth year of collaboration through our call.
Navarre Association for People with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities- ANFAS NAVARRA
Early care for children with disabilities in girls and boys aged 3-6 years, to promote the stimulation and induction of processes that do not occur naturally in children with disabilities in this age range. The aim is to reduce their vulnerability. The objective is to improve the competencies of families to ensure a good development in childhood, promoting their autonomy and social inclusion from the beginning. This year is its 60th anniversary.
ASIDO Cartagena
I want to live my own life. Project that offers the opportunity to 65 people with intellectual disabilities Asido Cartagena to experience, progressively and in short spaces of time, the experience of living in a shared housing while acquiring the necessary skills to access an adult life with more independence and as normalized as possible, promoting social inclusion. Fourth year of collaboration, also through our Convocation.
Association for the Attention and Integration of People with Intellectual Disabilities-Autism (AMICOS)
Empowering young people with intellectual disabilities in A Coruña. Training young people at risk of social exclusion living in rural areas, especially young people with intellectual disabilities or autism, through training programs adapted to the challenges faced by rural areas. Fourth year of collaboration through our Call for Proposals.
Currently, Fundación Iberdrola España has an agreement with Fundación Síndrome de Down to train interns every 4 months. These interns are part of the DEMOS Project at Comillas Pontifical University, a project of training for employment and university inclusion for young people with intellectual disabilities. The program is aimed at adults with intellectual disabilities, over 18 years of age, who are interested in training for employment.