How does it come about?

The organisations behind “The Day After will be…” are working on ACELERA 2030, a multi-stakeholder initiative to promote the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

In view of the COVID-19 crisis, it was recently decided to redirect this initiative, to connect it with the situation in which our country and society in general are immersed.

Measures to curb the contagion curve are having rapid and profound effects on society, the economy and the environment, which in many cases we can measure, analyse and, above all, use as a great source of learning.

What do you propose?

“The Day After will be…” is born with the vocation of learning “from the crisis during the crisis” that we are facing.

To bring together people and organisations from the field of science, private companies, the public sector and civil society.

To co-create with all of them a great space for conversation and activation, from which we can extract lessons that will later serve to accelerate the change towards the fulfilment of the Sustainable Development Goals.

What does this consist of?

It is a virtual space for conversation and activation.

Conversations – for the time being online – with specialists who want to be asked what we can learn from the COVID-19 crisis in key areas for the sustainability agenda. It will be an open and accessible space.

It is a space for connection

The processes, communities and activities we are putting in place are designed to promote ‘(im)probable connections’ between ideas, people and organisations.

The aim of this initiative is that the results emerging from these connections can be put into action, especially when the crisis has been overcome.