Today at Fundación Iberdrola España we celebrate the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. The International Day of Persons with Disabilities was declared in 1992 by the United Nations General Assembly.

Fundación Iberdrola España launches a call for applications for its Social Program every year, whose objectives are to contribute to mitigating inequalities and helping to promote future opportunities for those at risk of social exclusion, paying special attention to children, young people, and women.

One of the lines of work of this program is social inclusion for people with disabilities, financing projects that support children, young people, and the occupational centers they attend, offering them a space for the development of skills that will enable them to integrate into society and enter the labor market.

In the last call of the Social Program, Fundación Iberdrola España has selected 8 projects aimed towards people with disabilities:


Asociación Síndrome de Down de Asturias


Training and labor integration project


Federación de Deportes para Personas con Discapacidad de CLM- FECAM


Schools for normalization through sports


Fundación Síndrome de Down de Madrid


Adaptation of the Tres Olivos occupational center towards new digital and social challenges from an integrated approach to sustainable development


Asociación Cacereña de Padres, tutores y protectores de las personas con Parálisis Cerebral y otras discapacidades. ASPACE CÁCERES


The keys to inclusion are written in ones and zeros


Asociación para a Atención e Integración de Personas con Discapacidad Intelectual-Autismo (AMICOS)


Work Inclusión Hub


Asociación Promotora de Personas con Discapacidad Intelectual y del Desarrollo Adultas (ASPRODEMA)


Support Resource Center building bridges to the community


ANFAS-Asociación Navarra en favor de las Personas con discapacidad intelectual o del desarrollo


Implementation of the “Model centered around families and natural backgrounds” in the early care service (3-6)


ASIDO Cartagena


I want to live my own life