Fundación Iberdrola España and Ayuda en Acción are launching the REACTIVA project in Puertollano to promote sustainable integration into the labor market for young people (between the ages of 16 and 30) who are neither employed nor integrated into the formal education system and registered in the Youth Guarantee program. The objective of REACTIVA is to accompany young people in a comprehensive itinerary of orientation and education, training, and employment integration.

With this initiative, Fundación Iberdrola España and Ayuda en Acción want to contribute to the incorporation of this group into the labor market, reinforcing their initial academic training, and complementing both young people and their families to redirect them towards a theoretical and practical training in the energy sector, which is currently in continuous growth and has a high demand for labor. In addition, guidance and motivation will also be worked with all program participants to help them discover their vocation, skills, and thus strengthen their life project. This way, training and youth employability will be favored through professional backing and by providing tools that will help them to achieve their goals.

Development in Puertollano

Both the Reactiva Project and its lines of action have been presented to the Mayor of Puertollano, Adolfo Muñiz, in a meeting that has counted with the presence of managers of both entities.

The Mayor had the opportunity to know firsthand the design of the REACTIVA Project of Puertollano as an integrated itinerary of employment, training, and entrepreneurship. He has also been informed of aspects such as the lines of action and methodology, the selection of participants, or the different modules of the training program in green economy and entrepreneurship.

The program aims, among other objectives, to promote continuity in the educational system, develop entrepreneurial skills, promote employment training, or improve the social and labor insertion of people who have dropped out of school.

Adolfo Muñiz expressed his satisfaction with the program launch in Puertollano and thanked its promoters’ commitment to the city and Castilla-La Mancha. Fundación Iberdrola España has been supporting our community for many years through numerous programs in the areas of culture, the environment, social projects, training, and research. For its part, Ayuda en Acción has been developing a social action program in Puertollano since 2016 through the Aquí También project with Fundación Repsol: intervention in educational centers for educational equity and innovation and development of families through employability with clothing workshops.

For the implementation and execution of the REACTIVA project in Puertollano, both entities coordinate a total budget of 355,994 euros. Fundación Iberdrola España will oversee the Green Economy Training Program (168,769 euros) and Ayuda en Acción will coordinate the Labor and Educational Orientation Program and Modules 1 and 4 of the Training Program (187,225 euros).

Selection process open

The selection process to participate in this program is now open. Applicants will need to fill out this form. Subsequently, the promoting organizations will contact the people who can participate in REACTIVA. This project is part of the actions co-financed by the European Social Fund, the Youth Employment Initiative, and the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha, framed in the regional section of the Youth Employment Operational Program of C-LM (call 2021).

This initiative aims to reach a maximum of between 100 and 120 participants, with the objective that approximately 50% of the people attended will complete the training program in Green Economy and Entrepreneurship.

Fundación Iberdrola España and Ayuda en Acción have designed a training itinerary by modules, which will be adapted to the participants profiles, being able to complete the set of modules or select those that best fit the profile or interest of the participant. At the end of each module, a diploma of attendance will be awarded, which will include the content of the training and the number of hours.

Youth, the protagonist

In the current socio-labor context, young people need to learn tools and techniques to improve their personal and professional skills. For this reason, Reactiva promotes training in green economy and entrepreneurship through a modular training program in transversal and entrepreneurial skills for the green economy sector. In addition, participants will acquire knowledge and resources for continuing their education and/or support in the active search for employment.

The purpose of both foundations is for young people to be the protagonists of their own changes, helping them in this process so that education and employment go hand in hand and lead to an improvement in their lives and their environment.