
Swifts, the birds that symbolise summer, travel 20,000 kilometres on their migratory journey to Africa

We now know where our common swifts overwinter, this was a great mystery up until just five years ago because we did not have the data that geolocators can now provide. These devices have allowed us to discover much more about this species, which is a much-loved part of [...]

Swifts, the birds that symbolise summer, travel 20,000 kilometres on their migratory journey to Africa2019-06-19T11:37:34+02:00

The Fundación Iberdrola España is taking part in a conference on the new lighting for the Church of El Paular

The Villa y Corte Foundation has organised a conference on the new ornamental lighting in the Church of the Monastery of Santa María de El Paular which was recently inaugurated. This is a result of an initiative undertaken thanks to a cooperation agreement between the Iberdrola Spain Foundation and [...]

The Fundación Iberdrola España is taking part in a conference on the new lighting for the Church of El Paular2019-06-19T11:36:19+02:00

Our pallid swifts overwinter in Benin and Nigeria

Zaragoza has the honour of being the first Spanish city to know where the pallid swifts that brighten its skies during the spring and summer spend the winter months. This is all thanks to the MIGRA programme, which was set up in order to learn more about the migration [...]

Our pallid swifts overwinter in Benin and Nigeria2019-06-19T11:33:09+02:00

Fundación Iberdrola España supports Fundación Tomillo’s Community Development Programme in Paseo de los Olivos district

The Fundación Iberdrola España collaborates with the Fundación Tomillo and the educational scheme it runs at the Los Olivos housing project in Madrid, which aims to enhance the performance of children and teenagers at school. However, the scheme that the Fundación Tomillo runs at this housing project is about [...]

Fundación Iberdrola España supports Fundación Tomillo’s Community Development Programme in Paseo de los Olivos district2019-06-19T11:09:58+02:00

Iberdrola, through its Foundation in Spain, sponsored the restauration of the altarpieces of Our Lady of the Rosaryt and the artistic heritage of Navamorales

SECOND PHASE The altarpieces of Our Lady of the Rosary, “Tabla de Aniversarios” (a wall panel featuring a record of important dates) and sculptures in the Church of Navamorales (Salamanca) have been restored to their former glory after a thorough process carried out in two stints of work at [...]

Iberdrola, through its Foundation in Spain, sponsored the restauration of the altarpieces of Our Lady of the Rosaryt and the artistic heritage of Navamorales2019-06-19T11:25:51+02:00

Fundación Iberdrola España announces new Master’s scholarships for energy and environment and research grants

IBERDROLA by means of its various International fundations has launched a new call for applications for scholarships and research grants for the 2017-2018 academic year, with the goal of promoting excellence in training the upcoming generations. The company plans to award almost 150 scholarships this year to students [...]

Fundación Iberdrola España announces new Master’s scholarships for energy and environment and research grants2019-06-19T11:21:41+02:00

Fundación Iberdrola España collaborates with Fundación Balia on providing academic support to children with educational problems

This is one of the projects selected in our Social Grants scheme, in which the Fundación Balia offers academic support at school to children with educational problems. Its mission is to help disadvantaged minors achieve better social integration. Fundación Balia is a not-for-profit organisation that has been [...]

Fundación Iberdrola España collaborates with Fundación Balia on providing academic support to children with educational problems2019-06-19T11:08:34+02:00