
May 8: World Migratory Bird Day – The marking of 18 new black kites with GPS transmitters will help to better understand the secrets of their migratory routes

SEO/BirdLife and Fundación Iberdrola España have been collaborating in the Migra Program since 2011 to learn about bird migrations and study the circumstances that may affect their routes. In total, the Migra Program has 1,201 marked birds of 33 different species. This year, the target species of the Migra [...]

May 8: World Migratory Bird Day – The marking of 18 new black kites with GPS transmitters will help to better understand the secrets of their migratory routes2022-04-06T11:34:20+02:00

Fundación Iberdrola España and the City Council of Talavera de la Reina sign an agreement to illuminate the Puente Viejo (Old Bridge)

The project, which is part of Iberdrola's Illuminations Program, will involve an investment of around 80,000 euros. The new lighting will use LED technology and will accentuate the beauty of the architectural elements through a design adapted to the heritage values of the bridge. Iberdrola, through its foundation, has [...]

Fundación Iberdrola España and the City Council of Talavera de la Reina sign an agreement to illuminate the Puente Viejo (Old Bridge)2021-07-19T10:04:02+02:00

New Research Grants Program at Fundación Iberdrola España – E4F

In 2021, Fundación Iberdrola España will not carry out the call for the national Research Grants program. Instead, Fundación Iberdrola España, in collaboration with the European Commission's Research Executive Agency (REA), is promoting the Energy for Future (E4F) postdoctoral fellowship program, opening its first call for applications in July [...]

New Research Grants Program at Fundación Iberdrola España – E4F2021-04-28T12:52:52+02:00

Fundación Iberdrola España brings to Cuenca the exhibition ‘El Museo del Prado en las Calles’

Inaugurated by the President of the Junta de Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano Gracia-Page, the exhibition includes life-size reproductions of fifty of the most emblematic works of the Prado Museum. Organized by the Museum and the Iberdrola Spain Foundation, with the collaboration of the Junta de Castilla-La Mancha, the exhibition closes [...]

Fundación Iberdrola España brings to Cuenca the exhibition ‘El Museo del Prado en las Calles’2022-04-25T13:42:39+02:00

Fundación Iberdrola España and Chillida Leku sign a collaboration agreement for the development of the museum’s exhibition project

"Tàpies at Zabalaga" will be sponsored by Fundación Iberdrola España. Two of the pieces in the exhibition will be loans from the Iberdrola Collection. The agreement is born with a vocation of continuity. Hernani, April 16, 2021 - Chillida Leku and Fundación Iberdrola España have signed a collaboration agreement [...]

Fundación Iberdrola España and Chillida Leku sign a collaboration agreement for the development of the museum’s exhibition project2021-04-28T12:47:24+02:00

ROUND TABLE “The future of women’s employability through STEM training: VET, the great alternative”

Madrid, April 9, 2021. Fundación Iberdrola España, EMT and Comillas Pontifical University will organize a round table as the first event of the Chair for the promotion of Women in STEM vocations in Vocational Training for Sustainable Mobility under the title "The future of women's employability through STEM training: [...]

ROUND TABLE “The future of women’s employability through STEM training: VET, the great alternative”2022-03-18T14:42:32+01:00

Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Fundación Iberdrola España and EMT are committed to STEM vocational training to increase women’s employability

Less than 8% of female university students study STEM degrees (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and in vocational training the female presence is 3.6%, according to data from the STEM Sustainability and Mobility Chair. Studies point to the potential growth of STEM professions with good salary, job and career [...]

Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Fundación Iberdrola España and EMT are committed to STEM vocational training to increase women’s employability2021-04-28T12:38:56+02:00

Iberdrola Foundation Spain celebrates World Health Day

In a year as complicated, unusual, and full of challenges as the one we have experienced, today, on World Health Day, Fundación Iberdrola España wants to give a ray of hope to all those affected by any disease. In addition to the enormous recognition of the immense work done by [...]

Iberdrola Foundation Spain celebrates World Health Day2022-03-18T14:40:35+01:00

Fundación Iberdrola España and SEO/BirdLife launch a campaign to save agricultural birds in Extremadura

For the second consecutive year, nesting areas will be identified, marking will be carried out and actions will be promoted in order to reduce the causes that affect the populations of agro-steppe birds in the region, such as the Great Bustard, Little Bustard and Montagu's Harrier. The campaign, of [...]

Fundación Iberdrola España and SEO/BirdLife launch a campaign to save agricultural birds in Extremadura2021-04-28T12:29:06+02:00

Fundación Iberdrola España ends in Talavera de la Reina the cycle of the exhibition ‘El Museo del Prado en las Calles’

Organized by the Museo Nacional del Prado and Fundación Iberdrola España, with the collaboration of the Junta de Castilla-La Mancha, the exhibition has toured seven cities in the region. It will bring 50 of the most important works from the Museum's Permanent Collection to the public of Talavera through [...]

Fundación Iberdrola España ends in Talavera de la Reina the cycle of the exhibition ‘El Museo del Prado en las Calles’2022-04-25T13:42:54+02:00