• Fundación Iberdrola España and Fundación Integra join forces to promote the employability of women victims.
  • The ‘Illuminating employment’ project will have 80 participants and will be financed with 35,000 euros.

Iberdrola, through its foundation in Spain, and the Integra Foundation are launching ‘Illuminating employment’, an initiative that seeks to promote the development of employability skills and access to job opportunities for women victims of gender-based violence.

The project, which has required an investment of 35,000 euros, will have 80 women participating in a year-long program that is part of one of the main lines of activity of Fundación Iberdrola España: social action to improve the quality of life of the most vulnerable people.

‘Illuminating employment’ aims to restore confidence and self-esteem to these women and improve their employability. To this end, it will work through personalized training itineraries in several phases, to help them in the recovery and development of key skills for socio-labor activity.

The general manager of Fundación Integra, Ana Muñoz de Dios, and the director of Fundación Iberdrola España, Ramón Castresana, signed the agreement between the two entities this morning. The event was also attended by Lola Sato, head of the area of violence against women, and Teresa Rodríguez de Tembleque, head of the area of social action and training and research of Fundación Iberdrola España.

Fundación Iberdrola España committed to society

Since its creation, Iberdrola has been committed to the energy, cultural and social development of the communities in which it operates. In this regard, Fundación Iberdrola España represents a further step in this commitment, by promoting initiatives that contribute to improving people’s quality of life.

In addition, Fundación Iberdrola España, through its Social Program, has allocated more than 11 million euros to social initiatives in the country and helped a total of 414,546 people. Since the launch of this Plan in 2010, the company has promoted more than 441 projects in collaboration with more than one hundred social entities, contributing to the fight against child poverty, school support, and the social integration of children, young people, and women in vulnerable situations. The Social Program has enabled the creation of 1,630 jobs and the participation of 7,648 volunteers.