In a year as complicated, unusual, and full of challenges as the one we have experienced, today, on World Health Day, Fundación Iberdrola España wants to give a ray of hope to all those affected by any disease. In addition to the enormous recognition of the immense work done by all the healthcare personnel, public and private agents who have worked hard to help all these patients, some of whom are in situations of vulnerability and social exclusion. The Foundation would like to emphasize that, within our social action area, more than 214,000 euros have been invested in this group, benefiting more than 14,000 people. As for our collaboration with social entities dedicated to this sector, we seek to make society aware of the value and strength of these people, to give them our support and encouragement, trying to achieve a positive change in their lives. Therefore, today we want to make a special mention to the associations with which we collaborate and spread the great work they do.
- HENARES SOLIDARITY FOUNDATION. PH CASTILLA-MANCHA: Proyecto Hombre Castilla la Mancha develops treatment programs for people with addiction problems, mainly drugs, as well as programs for the prevention of addictive behaviors. It works with the users of the program through an integral vision framed within a process to be carried out by the users, from a psycho-social approach, that is to say, the integration not only of the human part, but also systemic, cognitive-behavioral and logotherapy, among others. It aims to create in its centers an environment based on the philosophy of self-help, so they develop different treatment programs tailored to the needs of users in both residential and outpatient facilities, specializing in different types of addictions and / or associated pathologies.
- ASPANION, Asociación de Padres de Niños con Cáncer de la Comunidad Valenciana: The association offers psychological, social and economic support to the families of children and adolescents with cancer diagnosed in the Valencian Community from the moment of diagnosis. From this moment on, the organization’s team of psychologists offers support to mothers and fathers, and to the affected minors through individual or group therapy sessions, as well as activities such as camps, leisure and free time activities and talks. The aim is to involve as many children as possible by providing them with fun and new experiences to strengthen their self-esteem. The aim of all these programs and activities is to work together with the families affected by childhood cancer so that they can face the changes that will occur in their lives during treatment to cope with the disease at all stages, including mourning.
- ALCÁNDARA-PH SALAMANCA FOUNDATION: This association serves all people with any type of addiction and their families who need not only information, but help to meet their needs through their personal characteristics. Aiming to improve or recover the quality of life of these patients. After an initial contact, which will continue through various interviews throughout the treatment, through a process of motivation with a bio-psycho-social approach with psychological and medical care, the user is informed of the methodology to follow for their recovery and the most optimal programs for their recovery or emotional stability.
- AMACMEC, Asociación de Mujeres Afectadas por Cáncer de Mama de Elche y Comarca: In this association they provide all the information and support necessary in the process and treatment of women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. To do this, they offer psychological, physical and social care they need to cope with the disease. To this end, the organization has various programs such as a service of adaptation to the disease, a support group to share experiences between those who are undergoing treatment and those who have overcome it but still need emotional support, as well as leisure and social activities.
- NORAY-PH ALICANTE FOUNDATION: Oriented to intervention in the field of drug addiction and other addictive disorders. The team of professionals develop, through the therapeutic-educational method of Proyecto Hombre, intervention programs and other actions that base their methodology on different currents of current psychology, for the development of therapeutic processes for each user. The Noray Foundation approaches the treatment and prevention of addictions from a humanistic-existential perspective, understanding that the problem is not the addiction but the person, with addiction being the symptom of a profound individual and social malaise. Its objective is to generate the autonomy of people with this type of problem, from the perspective of personal growth and their ability to make decisions, to return to being an active member of society.
- FUNDACIÓN CHACON-CRUZ ROJA: Its objective is to operate on underprivileged children with congenital heart disease anywhere in the world through a consortium with the Red Cross. They also seek to help these children in all aspects of their lives, medically and socially, regardless of their level of economic resources. Families play a very important role in the children’s recovery and that is why the foundation seeks to support them in their needs while they are undergoing treatment. They also support the training of professionals in projects for the treatment of congenital heart disease, projects that last over time and contribute to improving the development parameters of the countries, such as the reduction of infant mortality in the countries of origin of these patients. In addition, they seek to raise awareness about this disease that affects 8 out of every 1,000 children, where the need to train doctors specialized in cooperation in universities and hospitals of reference. For this reason, they have created a series of tools and offer material, technological and human resources to lessen the effects of this pathology on these children in order to improve their quality of life.