The Thyssen Museum and the Fundación Iberdrola present Museo fácil, the first easy-reading guide to the Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection

  • Museo fácil is the new inclusive project created by the Education Department.
  • The Thyssen Museum continues its work to improve access to its collection and content through its Education and Social Action programmes.

The National Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum presents Museo fácil, the first easy-reading guide to the Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection, which has been made possible thanks to sponsorship from the Fundación Iberdrola España.

Easy-reading consists of adapting the text, visual layout or design of a publication with the aim of improving cognitive accessibility. A work group has been set up to produce Museo fácil, it includes people with reading difficulties from various groups who have participated in selecting and assessing the content.

These collaborators have viewed the visit to the museum as a journey. A different artist or work from the collection can be discovered at each stop, from Ghirlandaio to Popova, via Van Gogh or Hopper, to make the visit as interesting as possible.

Museo fácil is a collaborative project involving the Thyssen Museum’s Education Department and AMAS Fácil (the AMAS Group’s easy-reading service), with the collaboration of Qurtuba publishers (a company specialising in work relating to easy-reading), and it has benefited from the participation of the Fundación Secretariado Gitano and the Fundación Grandes Amigos.

Sponsorship from the Fundación Iberdrola España has also made it possible for the long-running programme Hecho a Medida (Made to Measure) to be free of charge to its participants. For the last 10 years, this activity has made it possible for everyone to take part in projects adapted to their particular needs by giving all the visitors to the museum equal rights, through ideas put forward by the Education Department.

These activities, which are designed by educators in collaboration with professionals from various organisations, always seek to be tailored as individually as possible to each group and participant. During its 10 years of existence, over 300 entities from educational, social, community and health environments have been involved in the Education and Social Action programme.

IBERDROLA, committed to society

Since its beginnings, Iberdrola has been committed to the energy, cultural and social development of the communities in which it operates. The Fundación Iberdrola España represents one more step in this commitment; through the development of initiatives to help improve people’s quality of life. One of the Foundation’s main areas of activity focuses on the care, maintenance and promotion of art and culture.